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Media on Viruses

Current Outbreaks

  • Measles are also called rubeola.

  • It is one of the leading causes of death in small children.

  • From 2000-2013 there were 15.6 million prevented deaths of measles because of the vaccine.

  • 90 percent of people who are not immune to measles will contract the disease if exposed.

  • Two doses of the measles vaccine are considered 99% effective in protecting against the disease.

  • Measles are an airborn diesease spread by not covering your cough and sneeze. 

  • It can also be transferred by person to person contact such as drinking off  of an infected person.

  • According to a group of researchers there is an measles are an ongoing outbreak because of substandard vaccination. n

  • There have been several dozen people who have gotten measles and they are living in Los Angeles, California. They were not vaccinated.

Measles Outbreak

Ebola Outbreak

  • Ebola is a viral disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body fluids.

  • Ebola’s host species include chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, antelopes, porcupines, rodents, dogs, pigs and humans.

  • There are 4 strains of Ebola: Zaire, Ivory Coast, and Sudan Strain.

  • West Africa has the largest and most recent outbreaks.

  • There are no vaccinations for Ebola, but candidates are undergoing evaluation. Chimpanzee Adenovirus Serotype 3 and Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus are being developed by GlaxoSmithKline with the support of the U.S., and genetically modified tobacco plants.

  • Professor Charles Arntzen at Arizona State University  genetically modified tobacco plants to make recombinant protein based Ebola medicine ZMapp in tobacco.

  • 'in 2005, the first report came which showed that the ebola virus antibodies could be produced. However, SMapp is difficult to make in large quantities for a number of reasons… it involves three antibodies, which triples the amount of tobacco plants needed. In addition, the dose used to treat the patients of high compared with many drugs, increasing the needed supply.”

  • The summer of 2005 Professor Arntzen treated  2 ebola infected American health workers and they both recovered from the virus.

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