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The main reason why many oppose against vaccines is because they believe it causes serious and fatal side effects. According to the Reason Magazine article by Matt Welch, the author states, “Over the last 15 years, spurred on by McCarthy and other high-profile advocates who claim that vaccinations may cause such damaging side effects as autism, more parents are opting out of vaccinations for highly contagious diseases for their child” (Welch).  Provided that there are rumors of the dangerous side affects vaccines have on children, most scientists argue that there is no scientific evidence that vaccines cause autism.

Others may dispute that the government should not intervene with personal medical choices of the parents. In the article “Healthier Classrooms”, the author points out, “We are tromping on the parent to dictate what’s best of their kids, we are elevating doctors to gods” (“Healthier Classrooms”).  Most citizens believe that medical decisions should be left for the parents and or guardians to decide. Given that parents and caregivers become furious just at the fact that the government is trying to force them to do something, the opposition fails to prove that parents should understand that the government is only attempting to make vaccines mandatory to save children and the community from an outburst of disease. It is in the best interest of the child and their parent to receive vaccinations in order to live in a sanitary environment. 


Some argue that there are several religions that have strong oppositions on vaccines. In the article “Judge Upholds Policy Barring Unvaccinated Students During Illnesses” by Benjamin Mueller, the author points out that the constitution of America states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (Mueller). Although mandatory vaccines may infringe on religious rights protected by the constitution, there are always ways for people practicing religions that oppose vaccines to opt out. Surely if the government and medical workers can produce something as beneficial as vaccines, they can easily come up with a system to exclude the mandatory vaccines for those who exercise religions that are against vaccines. Legal practices are starting to addressing issues on getting vaccination:










However, these parents lost their case it is supports the fact that courts either state or supreme both agree that it does not affect their religious belief only that it endangers them and their child.





The impact of vaccinations on society and the world is that it greatly benefits a majority of the population. However, several values, morals, bioethics and laws come into play when considering the production of vaccines for viruses. 

Fear of Autism 
Parenting Rights
Ethical Issue
Legal Issue

In the legal sense, teachers, health care employers such as hospital staff  and doctors offices are required to have a mandatory vaccination policy. this means that they are required to get vaccines. However,some people try to sue for the implication that it is against their religious beliefs and practices.


This impacts the daily lives of people around the world by the fact that they have the antibodies to help prevent them from contracting a viral disease, also getting the vaccination help prevent the spread. Every drug is developed takes an unique route in order to be tested and approved by the FDA, U.S Food and  Drug Administration. They must fill out an investigational new drug application and show the FDA the results of preclinical testing on  lab animals and explain what they propose to do for human testing. In clinical testing,the goal is to determine drugs most frequent side effects and how often the it metabolizes and excretes. For  trials patients receiving the drug are compared to people receiving either an inactive substance, placebo, or a different drug. The number of patients varies from a few dozen to 300.



The FDA  is responsible for regulation of drugs to decide on the issues of ownership and intellectual property  is based on laws protecting you or your company from copyright laws because you either made  a private investment or innovated the drug. However, they U.S Patent Office lacks the resources the distinguished inventions that deserve protection from those that do not.



Ethical, Legal, and Socail Issues

“Two of the parents, both of them Catholic, had obtained religious exemptions for their children, which the law permits so long as the parents “hold genuine and sincere religious beliefs” against vaccines; the law also contains a separate exemption for medical reasons. The parents balked, however, when their kids were excluded from school after a schoolmate contracted chicken pox. It turns out a separate New York regulation provides that children with immunization exemptions be excluded from attendance in the event of an outbreak” (Farias).


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