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The researchers at MIT Lincoln Lab came up with a technology called DARCO  (Double-stranded RNA Activated Caspase Oligomerizers) to cure common cold, influenza and other ailments in the future. The researchers at MIT are testing DRACO against viruses in mice and are getting promising results. This technology would be very beneficial to everyone. Using DARCO is more beneficial because it doesn’t have toxicity in uninfected cells  and cures an infected cell population.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The researchers at (UCI) have a Center for Virus Research (CVR) which provides training and common tools to investigate how viruses affect things. They mainly focus on the basic molecular processes of organisms and how they were constructed. Viruses are becoming a worldwide mystery as stated by a scientist at (UCI)  “ With the growing worldwide threat imposed by emerging viruses,  interest in virus research at all levels has intensified and taken on a new global perspective; thus, there is a need at the international level to become more knowledgeable about viruses and viral diseases.” The researchers at UCI want people to be aware of viruses and what happens with them.

University of California, Irvine


Researchers at Princeton University heavily focus on there virology unit at the school and they try to find solutions to viruses. They focus on how microbes interact with their host cell and how microbes interact with each other in different situations. There hope for a end result is they learn the development of the novel therapeutics to combat diseases and viruses. There focused on finding and learning more how viruses work in there own different ways.



HepCbase company’s biologists, bioinformaticians, and programmers work on a software to help HCV virology structure so that they can interpret the persons molecular sequencing. The long term goal is to revolutionize new HCV therapeutics that as created and prescribed to their users.The people funding this research as National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Emory University


At this university they mainly study and research on HIV, influenza, and the large DNA viruses that cause many deaths every year. This school uses a program called MMG program. The MMG Program encompasses investigators with virology expertise from the faculty of several Departments at Emory, like Microbiology and Immunology, and we also have members based at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). This school provides an ideal platform for any people for graduate training.  



UC Davis


Students at the university of UC Davis have an option of studying microbiology and immunology. In these classes they talk about viruses and try to study how viruses and vaccines affect the body. They try to come up with new vaccines that will help the viruses that we are dealing with today. Student that go to UC Davis will graduate with the skills and preparation of real jobs and labs. It gets them on the career path for what they want to do with virology. 

Dr. Nahid Bhadelia is an infectious doctor at Boston University and he has gone to Sierra Leone to help cure and care for the ebola victims there. According to Nahid it is hard to treat the patients because you can't find volunteers because they think if they help they will get the ebola virus too. Nahid was asked what he hopes to learn from this and he responded by saying “Personally I think it's one of those things - Henry Ford said, you know, man's greatest discovery is the fact that he can actually do something he was afraid he couldn't. You know, I'm paraphrasing but something along those lines. And for me that personally will be the largest achievement. I'm excited to go down there, to be able to do this. And honestly I have to tell you one of the biggest reasons is I hope that it inspires more people to go.”  He wants to just try to help the patients and make sure they  feel comfortable while he tries to figure this thing out.

Dr. Nahid Bhadelia

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